You’re Gonna Die!


YOU'RE GONNA DIE! I know it sounds morbid, or something you don't want to think about. But you're gonna die. We live to die every day. It's a hard pill to swallow. Take it in and reflect on it.  

I was on IG, scrolling away, and came across a post with Mike Tyson talking to yogi, mystic, and author, Sadhguru.  I might post it in the future so hopefully, you follow me at therealmaddhatta on IG.

Tyson mentioned something about fear and The Guru said something that just sat in me all that day after I heard it.  It was about fear. He said and I'm going to paraphrase. "With fear, we're always afraid of something, that ain't even happened. But we have it in our head, and we get anxious about it, and we get all built up about it. But it didn't even happen."
We can go for hours, days, weeks, months, maybe years...worrying about something that ain't even happened. We do the same with things from our past. We just worry and think about it.  We can't get over it.  We just dig into the pain of the past. In either case, generally, we ain't changing the past and the future hasn't even happened. What I found is we have to face our fears head on but that's another topic for another time.  

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Focus. YOU'RE GONNA DIE!! And while I'm here, it saddens me when artist(s), entertainer(s), and people in general die, and the family has to start a GoFundMe campaign, because they never took care of that business, when they were alive, or they don't have no money, they don't have a will, they didn't get insurance, etc. So now, not only is the family devastated from the loss of the individual, now they got to scurry to get cash to even bury this person appropriately. And it's unfair to the family members who have to do that. But we don't think about it because it's hard to say to yourself, "Man, one day I won't be here."  I get it but YOU'RE GONNA DIE.

The reason why I bring that up is because you can do something about that now because the inevitable is that inevitable. So are you living your best life? You know, are you with the person you want to be with? Are you at the job you want to be at? Are you going for the things you want to go for? Because once you over without of time, as once said by Your Royal Badness. Just remember, YOU'RE GONNA DIE!

Entrepreneur, millionaire businessman, and social media influencer/Superstar, Gary Vee, said something on a post on his Instagram page I'd seen before, and that pretty much said the same thing. He seems to be a gracious guy and loves his fans. So, He's in a car and a lady notices him and runs up to the car. She's super excited. Gary rolls the window down to exchange a nicety and she expresses how much she likes him and what he does. She then asks for some advice to get herself inspired. He didn't miss a beat. He responds, "Sure, you're gonna die!" I was like, well, damn! By her reaction, it is not the Gary V quote she was waiting for. He curses and uses very colorful language but that was a heart-dropper. She was taken aback but I got the point and she did too. Get to your dreams now because YOU'RE GONNA DIE!!

Life is not waiting on you. You need to live your best life starting now. And you don't need to worry about haters and people pulling you down. Or if you're in the right relationship, you need to wake up and move forward and start making it happen, because it's too late once you're dead. Do it now! I know it sounds easier said than done but take little steps.  

You've been wanting to go to the little park down the street and making up excuses every weekend that you're tired. So what, go.  

You want to travel and get stamps in the passport but you ain't got big money. Go To Mexico. Try someplace new you can drive to just to see something different. But stop it!  

But you got to start immediately because YOU'RE GONNA DIE! You don't have a will, you don't have insurance? No excuses, you have to figure out a way to get things in order. I know some people will say, "I don't want nobody partying after I leave them something, but I want to leave my son and family something. Even if he can only party for one day, even if somebody can pay off a car, and it gives them a little room, you know, a little something to leave behind to help out the next generation.

This message is for those that got it also. This goes from wealthy to poor, that don't take care of these kinds of things and have a will, getting a trust, so do it. But the bottom line is YOU'RE GONNA DIE. So what are you gonna do about it today? Are you gonna get to do the things you want to do that make you smile or that make you happy? Or are going to keep doing those trite, small things that don't move? I'm not saying to quit your job and you have no plan.  I'm saying start working on your "Exit to Happy Plan." These jobs don't love you.  These haters don't love you. Time doesn't love you. It just keeps ticking with you or without you. YOU'RE GONNA DIE.  Enjoy the ride. Do what needs to be done. Take care of yourself. Eat right, exercise, relax, and enjoy so you can extend your time here. Handle your business so that your loved ones are taken care of. Love your Friends and Family the way you bold about your life, it is YOUR LIFE. It's not sexy thinking about dying but when you come to terms with it, you'll look at life with more happy anticipation. I know it's hard but we'll walk the path...together. 

Stay positive. Stay focused. Stay blessed.

Written by Madd Hatta

Image Credit: Renato Danyi


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